Option Explicit
' By音符,QQ:337855632 Time:2020-03-17 功能定制:20元起
Const C_GameWith = 800
Const C_GameHeight = 600
Const C_GameSmallWith = 240
Const C_GameSmallHeight = 180
'黑带 22 28 (50 65)
Dim GamehWnd, dm, AppName, config, bgkms, KMData
config = ".\Angel.ini"
AppName = "Angel_HX"
Function CmpMutlColor(Args, Sleep)
Dim i
For i = 0 To UBound(Args)
CmpMutlColor = (dm.CmpColor(Args(i)(0), Args(i)(1), Args(i)(2), Args(i)(3)) = 0)
If CmpMutlColor = False Then Exit For
Api.Delay Sleep
End Function
Const C_WorkProgress = 4
Class QQSpeed_Class
Public [局数], [位置], [方向键]
Private [游戏大区], DownCpu, StartMode
Private HIndex, WorkList, HNext, hStatic
Private Game, iTime(3), StartTime, MarkTime, LoginTime, Angel, Vip
Private leave
Public Function [准备游戏]() '准备游戏'
Api.Delay 10
End Function
Public Sub Start(Arys)
Dim Stmp, Zh
HIndex = Arys
ThreadEnter 1
With Globals("Form")
[方向键] = Array(38, 87, 104)(.Controls("方向按键").ListIndex)
If .Controls("游戏降耗").Value Then
DownCpu = Int(.Controls("游戏降耗T").Text)
End If
End With
WorkList = Globals("QQSpeed").Item(HIndex)
JScript.AddCode Globals("CString_Class")
ThreadLeave 1
If UBound(WorkList) = 0 Then
Exit Sub
End If
[局数] = WorkList(C_WorkProgress + 2)
Set CString = JScript.Eval("new CString_Class")
Set Angel = CreateObject("QQSpeed.Angel")
Call Angel.Init(Api)
Set Vip = Angel.Vip
Zh = Split(WorkList(3), "----")
[游戏大区] = Array("*", "电信", "联通", "电信2")(File.ReadINI(AppName, "游戏大区.ListIndex", config, 0))
GamehWnd = WorkList(C_WorkProgress + 1)
If Api.ECall("user32", "IsWindow", GamehWnd) = False Then
If WorkList(2) = "" Then
If UBound(Zh) > 0 Then
GamehWnd = Vip.GethWnd(Zh(0), [游戏大区])
End If
GamehWnd = Window.FindEx(0, "GAMEAPP", "QQ飞车*【" & [游戏大区] & "区】*【" & WorkList(2) & "】*", 2)
End If
End If
Set dm = [创建大漠]()
Set bgkms = CreateObject("QMPlugin.bgkms6_10")
If UBound(Zh) > 0 And GamehWnd = 0 Then
GamehWnd = [自动上号](Zh(0), Zh(1), "自动上号")
End If
If GamehWnd = 0 Then Exit Sub
If WorkList(2) = "" Then
Zh = Split(Window.GetText(GamehWnd), "【")
ThreadEnter 1
Globals("Form").Controls("ListBox").object.ListBox.List(HIndex) = Left(Zh(3), InStr(Zh(3), "】") - 1)
ThreadLeave 1
End If
If [调整窗口](GamehWnd) = False Then
' ListView.SetText ListhWnd(0), HIndex, 5, "分辨率错误"
MsgBox "游戏窗口分辨率错误,请设置为:" & C_GameWith & " x " & C_GameHeight & "!" & vbCrLf & "如果飞车分辨率无误, 请设置系统桌面分辨率为100%后注销系统", 4096 + 16, "错误"
Exit Sub
End If
Call [绑定窗口](GamehWnd)
Call SetTime(0, True)
StartTime = Now()
Set Game = Eval("New [QQSpeed_" & "火线追击" & "]")
Set Game.Father = Me
Call Game.GuaJi
HNext = True
End Sub
Public Function [调整窗口](hWnd) '调整窗口'
Dim x1, y1, x2, y2
Dim i
Window.Restore hWnd
Window.Active hWnd
Api.Delay 500
For i = 0 To 15
Call Window.GetClientRect(hWnd, x1, y1, x2, y2)
If x2 = C_GameSmallWith And y2 = C_GameSmallHeight Then
[调整窗口] = True
Exit Function
ElseIf x2 <> C_GameWith Or y2 <> C_GameHeight Then
Window.KeyPress hWnd, 119
Api.Delay 800
[调整窗口] = True
Exit Function
End If
End Function
Private Function [创建大漠]()
Set [创建大漠] = CreateObject("dm.dmsoft")
[创建大漠].SetShowErrorMsg 0
End Function
Private Sub [绑定窗口](hWnd)
Dim i, iLeft, iTop, ScreenWidth, ScreenHeight, HeightCount, WidthCount
i = File.ReadINI(AppName, "窗口排列.ListIndex", config, 0)
If i = 6 Then
iLeft = -C_GameSmallWith + 1
iTop = -C_GameSmallHeight + 1
ScreenWidth = Api.ECall("user32", "GetSystemMetrics", 0)
ScreenHeight = Api.ECall("user32", "GetSystemMetrics", 1)
If i = 0 Or i = 3 Then
iTop = 50
HeightCount = (ScreenHeight - C_GameSmallHeight + iTop) \ iTop
iTop = C_GameSmallHeight
HeightCount = ScreenHeight \ iTop
End If
If i = 2 Or i = 5 Then
WidthCount = ScreenWidth \ C_GameSmallWith
iLeft = (HIndex Mod WidthCount) * C_GameSmallWith
iTop = (HIndex \ WidthCount) * C_GameSmallHeight
iLeft = (HIndex \ HeightCount) * C_GameSmallWith
iTop = (HIndex Mod HeightCount) * iTop
End If
iLeft = IIf(i >= 3, ScreenWidth - C_GameSmallWith + 5 - iLeft, -5 + iLeft)
If iLeft > ScreenWidth Then
iLeft = -5
ElseIf iLeft < -C_GameSmallWith Then
iLeft = ScreenWidth - C_GameSmallWith + 5
End If
If iTop > ScreenHeight Then iTop = 0
End If
Window.SetStyle hWnd, 128
Window.Size hWnd, C_GameWith, C_GameHeight
Window.ClientMove hWnd, iLeft, iTop, C_GameSmallWith, C_GameSmallHeight
KMData = bgkms.KMTransform(hWnd, 1)
If KMData = 0 Then
MsgBox "获得窗口数据失败!请检测杀毒设置!"
Api.StopThread -1
End If
' Const WS_CHILD = &H40000000
' Const WS_CLIPSIBLINGS = &H4000000
' Const WS_VISIBLE = &H10000000
' hStatic = Api.ECall("user32.dll", "CreateWindowExW", 0, "Static", "局数:" & [局数], WS_CHILD Or WS_VISIBLE, C_GameSmallWith * 0.5, C_GameSmallHeight * 0.3, 100, 20, _
' hWnd, 0, Api.ECall("kernel32.dll", "GetModuleHandleW", 0), 0)
hStatic = dm.CreateFoobarRect(hWnd, C_GameSmallWith * 0.5, C_GameSmallHeight * 0.3, 100, 20)
Call dm.FoobarDrawText(hStatic, 0, 0, 200, 30, "局数:" & [局数], "111111", 1)
Call dm.FoobarUpdate(hStatic)
Api.Delay 100
i = dm.BindWindowEx(hWnd, "dx2", "windows", "windows", "", 0)
Api.Delay 200
' If DownCpu then dm.DownCpu DownCpu
If DownCpu Then bgkms.SaveCPU hWnd, DownCpu
End Sub
Private Function [上号判断](hWnd, Message)
Dim i, hWnds, hWndE
hWnds = Window.EnumWindows(0, "#32770", "QQ安全中心", 32)
For i = 0 To UBound(hWnds)
If Vip.IsSameWindow(hWnds(i), hWnd) Then
If UBound(Window.EnumWindowsEx(hWnds(i), "Static", "密码验证错误", 32)) >= 0 Then
Message = "密码错误"
WorkList(C_WorkProgress + 3) = &H10000 * 3
[上号判断] = True
Exit Function
ElseIf UBound(Window.EnumWindowsEx(hWnds(i), "Static", "*验证码*", 2 + 32)) >= 0 Then
Message = "验证码"
If InStr(File.ReadINI(AppName, "其他设置", config), "1自动滑块") Then
Call Angel.Slider(hWnds(i))
End If
End If
End If
hWnds = Window.EnumWindows(0, "#32770", "提示", 32)
For i = 0 To UBound(hWnds)
If Vip.IsSameWindow(hWnds(i), hWnd) Then
hWndE = Window.FindEx(hWnds(i), "maqHyperTextCtrl", 0, 32)
If hWndE Then
Message = Angel.GetWindowText(hWndE)
If InStr(Message, "网络环境") = 0 Then
WorkList(C_WorkProgress + 3) = &H10000 * 2
End If
Message = "网络环境异常"
End If
[上号判断] = True
End If
End Function
Private Function [自动上号](QQ, Pwd, Message)
Dim i, Count, TryMax, hWnds, hWnd, Wait, path, ID
Wait = File.ReadINI(AppName, "上号间隔.text", config, 50)
If File.ReadINI(AppName, "登录重试.Value", config, 1) Then
TryMax = File.ReadINI(AppName, "登录重试T.text", config, 3)
End If
If InStr(File.ReadINI(AppName, "其他设置", config), "1飞车路径") Then
path = File.ReadINI(AppName, "飞车路径", config)
End If
Count = Count + 1
' ListView.SetText ListhWnd(0), HIndex, 4, Message & " " & Count
ThreadEnter 3 '线程锁
Api.Delay 100
hWnds = Window.EnumWindows(0, "#32770", "QQ飞车", 32)
For i = 0 To UBound(hWnds)
dm.SetWindowState hWnds(i), 0
ID = Window.GetInfo(Vip.QQSpeedLogin(QQ, Pwd, File.ReadINI(AppName, "游戏大区.ListIndex", config, 0) - 1, , , path), 3)
Api.Delay 500 '授权确定
hWnds = Window.EnumWindows(0, "#32770", "QQ飞车", 32)
For i = 0 To UBound(hWnds)
hWnd = Api.ECall("user32", "FindWindowExW", hWnds(i), 0, "#32770", "QQ飞车")
if hWnd then
Window.LeftClick hWnd, 40, 10
end if
Api.Delay 1000
hWnds = Vip.EnumWindows("#32770", "QQ飞车", "330-100", "220-100")
If UBound(hWnds) >= 0 Then dm.SetWindowText hWnds(0), "QQ飞车" & QQ
ThreadLeave 3
For i = 0 To Wait
hWnd = Window.Find("#32770", "QQ飞车" & QQ)
If hWnd Then
Api.Delay 1000
If [上号判断](hWnd, Message) Then
i = 999
dm.SetWindowState hWnd, 13
Exit For
End If
Exit Do
End If
If i > Wait Then
dm.SetWindowState hWnd, 0
Api.Delay 200
dm.SetWindowState hWnd, 13
End If
Loop While Count <= TryMax
If i > Wait Then
' ListView.SetText ListhWnd(0), HIndex, 4, Message
ElseIf WorkList(2) = "" Then
[自动上号] = Vip.GethWnd(QQ)
If [自动上号] = 0 Then '不支持热启动
[自动上号] = Vip.GethWndByID(ID)
End If
WorkList(C_WorkProgress + 1) = [自动上号]
[自动上号] = Window.FindEx(0, "GAMEAPP", "QQ飞车*【" & [游戏大区] & "区】*【" & WorkList(2) & "】*", 2)
End If
ThreadEnter 2
File.WriteText ".\上号日志.txt", "上号时间:" & Now & String(3, vbTab) & "模式:火线追击" & String(3, vbTab) & "第" & HIndex + 1 & "个号:" & QQ & _
String(3, vbTab) & "局数:" & [局数] & String(3, vbTab) & IIf([自动上号], "【成功】", "【失败】" & Message) & vbCrLf & vbCrLf, True
ThreadLeave 2
Api.Delay 1000
If [自动上号] = 0 Then
WorkList(C_WorkProgress + 3) = WorkList(C_WorkProgress + 3) Or 2
Api.StopThread -1
End If
LoginTime = dm.GetTime()
End Function
Private Function [掉线重连]()
Dim Wait, Zh
dm.SetWindowState GamehWnd, 13
If File.ReadINI(AppName, "上号延时.Value", config, 1) Then
Wait = File.ReadINI(AppName, "上号延时T.text", config, 5)
End If
Api.Delay Wait * 1000
Zh = Split(WorkList(3), "----")
GamehWnd = [自动上号](Zh(0), Zh(1), "掉线重连")
If GamehWnd = 0 Then Exit Function
If [调整窗口](GamehWnd) = False Then
' ListView.SetText ListhWnd(0), HIndex, 5, "分辨率错误"
Exit Function
End If
Call [绑定窗口](GamehWnd)
[掉线重连] = True
End Function
Public Sub [完成一局](Sleep)
[局数] = [局数] + 1
' Api.ECall "user32", "SetWindowTextW", hStatic, "局数:" & [局数]
Call dm.FoobarFillRect(hStatic, 0, 0, 200, 200, "D4D0C8")
Call dm.FoobarDrawText(hStatic, 0, 0, 200, 30, "局数:" & [局数], "111111", 1)
Call dm.FoobarUpdate(hStatic)
Api.Delay Sleep
End Sub
Public Function [清理弹窗](Mode)
Dim IntX, IntY
If CBool(State([位置])) And CBool(Mode And 4) = False Then '清理 黑屏
Window.KeyUp GamehWnd, 18
If dm.FindColor(203, 28, 215, 42, "FFFFFF", 0.9, 6, IntX, IntY) = 0 Then
Window.KeyPress GamehWnd, 27
Api.Delay 200
End If
If dm.FindMultiColor(130, 10, 210, 65, "F4892A-080808", "2|0|181818-181818,2|1|181818-181818", 0.9, 6, IntX, IntY) Then
Window.LeftClick GamehWnd, IntX, IntY
Api.Delay 300
End If
ElseIf CBool(Mode And 2) = False Then
If CmpMutlColor(Array(Array(233, 4, "804A1B-784315", 0.9), Array(236, 3, "131313-0A0A0A", 0.9), Array(2, 7, "151D2F-060606", 0.9)), 2) Then '活动推荐
Window.LeftClick GamehWnd, 233, 4
Api.Delay 300
End If
End If
If CmpMutlColor(Array(Array(157, 88, "FFFFFF-070707", 0.9), Array(166, 80, "36727D-060606", 0.9), Array(65, 75, "272727-060606", 0.9), Array(207, 37, "333333-060606", 0.9)), 2) Then '游戏内 退出
Window.LeftClick GamehWnd, 179, 66
Api.Delay 300
End If
End Function
Public Sub [点击位置]([位置], Flag)
Dim i, ClickTo, j, IntX, IntY
i = InStr([位置], "_")
If i Then
Call [点击位置](Left([位置], i - 1), 0)
End If
Select Case [位置]
Case "多人游戏"
' Window.LeftClick GamehWnd, 40,25 '经典飞车
For i = 0 To 2
dm.MoveTo 37, 7
Window.LeftClick GamehWnd, 37, 7
Api.Delay 500
Window.LeftClick GamehWnd, 140, 141 '关消息窗口
Case "多人游戏_快速进入"
ClickTo = Split(Flag, "-")
Window.LeftClick GamehWnd, 37, 7
Api.Delay 500
IntX = 20
For i = 0 To UBound(ClickTo)
IntY = ClickTo(i)
bgkms.MoveTo KMData, IntX, IntY
' dm.MoveTo IntX, IntY
Api.Delay 300
Window.LeftClick GamehWnd, IntX, IntY
Api.Delay 300
IntX = IntX + 37
Case "菜单"
dm.MoveTo 2, 177
Window.LeftClick GamehWnd, 2, 177
Api.Delay 500
Case "菜单_多人游戏"
Const TOP = 21
dm.MoveTo 40, 110
Api.Delay 600
Window.LeftClick GamehWnd, 100, TOP + Flag * 12 '双人冲锋=3'
End Select
End Sub
Public Sub [强制到位置](IniTime)
Dim i
IniTime = True
Call SetTime(1, IniTime)
[位置] = 0
Do Until Game.IsIn() Or CBool(Game.Where(1))
If i = 0 Then
i = dm.GetTime() - LoginTime > 15000
If i = 0 Then
i = Where(0) = 1
dm.MoveTo Int((25 - 10 + 1) * Rnd(1) + 10), 10
Api.Delay 50
dm.KeyPress 27
End If
Call Game.Go
Api.Delay 1000
Call [清理弹窗](2)
Api.Delay 500
End If
If Handling(1, 60, IniTime) = -1 Then
Call [强制到位置](IniTime)
Exit Do
End If
IniTime = True
End Sub
Public Function [位置被改变](Num, IniTime)
Dim i
If [位置] <> Num Then
[位置] = Num
IniTime = True
[位置被改变] = 1
Select Case [位置]
Case 0
' ListView.SetText ListhWnd(0), HIndex, 5, "准备中:" & [局数]
Case 1
' ListView.SetText ListhWnd(0), HIndex, 5, "游戏中:" & [局数]
End Select
Call SetTime(1, IniTime)
End If
End Function
Public Function Where(ByVal Flag)
Select Case Flag
Case 0 '游戏大厅'
If CmpMutlColor(Array(Array(38, 2, "FFE76B-08090C", 0.9), Array(47, 3, "0DBDE2-0C140E", 0.9), Array(90, 3, "0DBDE2-0C140E", 0.9)), 2) Then
Where = 1 + dm.CmpColor(229, 5, "F8D95B-0D0F07", 0.9)
End If
Case 1 '游戏中'
Where = CmpMutlColor(Array(Array(47, 30, "B7B7B8-111111", 0.9), Array(30, 30, "B5B5B6-111111", 0.9), Array(207, 37, "FFFFFF-111111", 0.9)), 20)
Case 2 '游戏房间'
Where = CmpMutlColor(Array(Array(30, 2, "FFE66D-06080B", 0.9), Array(229, 5, "F8D85B-08100D", 0.9)), 2) And dm.CmpColor(47, 3, "0DBDE2-0C140E", 0.9) = 1 'dm.CmpColor(0, 2, "FFF472-111111", 0.9) = 1
End Select
End Function
Public Function State(ByVal WZ) '弹窗
If WZ = 2 Or WZ = 3 Then
WZ = 0
End If
If WZ = 0 Then
If dm.CmpColor(229, 5, "312B12-080808", 0.9) = 0 Then
State = 1
ElseIf CmpMutlColor(Array(Array(34, 2, "332F15-08090C", 0.9), Array(76, 3, "03252D-0C140E", 0.9)), 2) Then
State = 2 '游戏大厅'
ElseIf CmpMutlColor(Array(Array(4,11,"161616-161616",0.9),Array(53,2,"161616-161616",0.9),Array(29,2,"161616-161616",0.9)), 2) Then '黑屏
State = 3 '黑屏'
End If
ElseIf WZ = 1 Then
End If
End Function
Public Function SetTime(Index, IniTime)
If IniTime Then
iTime(Index) = Now()
IniTime = False
SetTime = True
End If
End Function
Public Function Handling(Index, S, IniTime)
Dim i
Handling = 0
If DateDiff("s", iTime(Index), Now()) > S Then '超时处理
IniTime = True
Handling = Detect(1)
End If
i = DateDiff("s", StartTime, Now())
If i - MarkTime >= 10 Then
MarkTime = i
If Handling = 0 Then Handling = Detect(0)
End If
End Function
Public Function Detect(Default)
Dim x1, y1, x2, y2
Select Case True
Case Default <> 0
Detect = Default
Case Api.ECall("user32", "IsWindow", GamehWnd) = 0
Detect = 11
Case Else
For x1 = 0 To 15
If Api.ECall("user32", "IsHungAppWindow", GamehWnd) = 0 Then
Exit For
End If
Api.Delay 1000
If x1 = 16 Then
Detect = 12
Call Window.GetClientRect(GamehWnd, x1, y1, x2, y2)
If x2 <> C_GameSmallWith Or y2 <> C_GameSmallHeight Then
Call [调整窗口](GamehWnd)
End If
End If
End Select
If Detect Then
If InStr(WorkList(3), "----") Then
If [掉线重连] Then
' Call SetTime(0, True)
' StartTime = Now()
' MarkTime = 0
Detect = -1
End If
End If
End If
End Function
Public Sub ThreadEnter(Nun)
Api.EnterCriticalSection Nun
leave = Nun
End Sub
Public Sub ThreadLeave(Nun)
Api.LeaveCriticalSection Nun
leave = 0
End Sub
Public Function IIf(p, a, b)
If p Then
IIf = a
IIf = b
End If
End Function
Private Sub GameOver()
If leave Then Api.LeaveCriticalSection leave '防止手动中止
dm.FoobarClose hStatic
Call Api.ECall("Kernel32.dll", "CloseHandle", WorkList(0))
If HNext Then
dm.SetWindowState GamehWnd, 13
WorkList(C_WorkProgress + 3) = 1
Api.EnterCriticalSection 1
Globals("QQSpeed").Item(HIndex) = WorkList
Call Api.ECall("user32.dll", "SendMessageW", Globals("Form").hWnd, &H8004&, HIndex, StartMode)
Api.LeaveCriticalSection 1
Exit Sub
End If
WorkList(C_WorkProgress + 2) = [局数]
Api.EnterCriticalSection 1
Globals("QQSpeed").Item(HIndex) = WorkList
If WorkList(C_WorkProgress + 3) And 2 Then
Call Api.ECall("user32.dll", "SendMessageW", Globals("Form").hWnd, &H8004&, HIndex, StartMode)
End If
Api.LeaveCriticalSection 1
If GamehWnd = 0 Then Exit Sub
Dim x1, y1, x2, y2
Window.GetClientRect GamehWnd, x1, y1, x2, y2
If x2 = C_GameSmallWith Then
' If DownCpu then dm.DownCpu 0
If DownCpu Then bgkms.SaveCPU GamehWnd, 0
bgkms.KMUntransform KMData
Api.Delay 50
Window.SetStyle GamehWnd, 1 + 16 + 128
Window.Size GamehWnd, C_GameWith, C_GameHeight
Api.Delay 100
Window.ClientMove GamehWnd, 0, 0, C_GameWith, C_GameHeight
End If
End Sub
Private Sub Class_Initialize()
Window.Delay = "40-80"
End Sub
Private Sub Class_Terminate()
' Api.EnterCriticalSection 1
' Globals("Form").Controls("ListBox").object.ListBox.Selected(HIndex) = False
' Api.LeaveCriticalSection 1
End Sub
End Class
Class [QQSpeed_火线追击]
Private QQSpeed
Public Sub GuaJi()
Dim IniTime
Dim i
QQSpeed.[强制到位置] IniTime
If IsIn() Then
If QQSpeed.[位置被改变](0, IniTime) < 0 Then Exit Do
Window.LeftClick GamehWnd, 80, 5 '单人匹配'
Api.Delay 200
ElseIf Where(1) Then
Api.Delay 1000
If dm.CmpColor(227, 144, "FB2C2D-0A0A0A", 0.9) = 0 Then
dm.KeyDown QQSpeed.[方向键]
If dm.CmpColor(152, 137, "C6F2F8-160A08", 0.9) = 0 Then
For i = 0 To 50
Window.KeyPress GamehWnd, QQSpeed.[方向键]
Api.Delay 50
End If
End If
Call QQSpeed.[位置被改变](1, IniTime)
ElseIf Where(2) Then
Window.LeftClick GamehWnd, 230, 4 '退出房间'
If QQSpeed.[位置被改变](0, IniTime) < 0 Then Exit Do
ElseIf Where(0) Then
QQSpeed.[强制到位置] IniTime
If CmpMutlColor(Array(Array(162, 89, "FCFEFE-0A0808", 0.9), Array(182, 77, "F6FBFE-0C0A08", 0.9), Array(235, 169, "440909-080808", 0.9), Array(157, 111, "D02624-090808", 0.9)), 2) Then '匹配中
If dm.CmpColor(229, 5, "F8D85B-08100D", 0.9) = 0 And dm.FindColor(110, 166, 124, 171, "FFFF2A-0A3127", 0.9, 0, i, i) = 1 Then '超时
Window.LeftClick GamehWnd, 230, 4 '退出房间'
IniTime = True
Call QQSpeed.SetTime(1, IniTime)
End If
Api.Delay 500
End If
QQSpeed.[清理弹窗] (0)
End If
If QQSpeed.[位置] = 0 Then
Select Case QQSpeed.Handling(1, 150, IniTime)
Case -1
QQSpeed.[强制到位置] IniTime
End Select
ElseIf QQSpeed.[位置] = 1 Then
Select Case QQSpeed.Handling(1, 300, IniTime)
Case -1
QQSpeed.[强制到位置] IniTime
End Select
If dm.CmpColor(47, 30, "B7B7B8-111111", 0.9) = 1 Then
QQSpeed.[位置] = 2 '颁奖中'
QQSpeed.[完成一局] 8000
End If
End If
Api.Delay 100
End Sub
Public Function IsIn() '是否在边境'
If Where(2) Then Window.LeftClick GamehWnd, 230, 4 '退出房间'
IsIn = CmpMutlColor(Array(Array(211, 32, "0971FF-070906", 0.9), Array(130, 33, "0863F6-060707", 0.9), Array(102, 32, "D6D6D6-090909", 0.9), Array(52, 32, "086FFF-060806", 0.9)), 20)
End Function
Public Function Where(Flag)
Where = QQSpeed.Where(Flag)
End Function
Public Sub Go()
QQSpeed.[点击位置] "多人游戏_快速进入", "163-163"
End Sub
Public Property Set Father(Obj) '继承?'
Set QQSpeed = Obj
End Property
End Class