Puma 4.1.0 发布,Puma是为速度与并发而生的。Puma是一个为Ruby web程序提供高速处理以及HTTP 1.1并发的服务器小型库。它被设计只用来运行Rack程序

4 新特性
- Add REQUEST_PATH on parse error message (#1831)
- You can now easily add custom log formatters with the
config option (#1816)
- Puma.stats now provides process start times (#1844)
- Add support for disabling TLSv1.1 (#1836)
7 个 bug 修复
- Fix issue where Puma was creating zombie process entries (#1887)
- Fix bugs with line-endings and chunked encoding (#1812)
- RACK_URL_SCHEME is now set correctly in all conditions (#1491)
- We no longer mutate global STDOUT/STDERR, particularly the sync setting (#1837)
- SSL read_nonblock no longer blocks (#1857)
- Swallow connection errors when sending early hints (#1822)
- Backtrace no longer dumped when invalid pumactl commands are run (#1863)
5 个其他改进
- Avoid casting worker_timeout twice (#1838)
- Removed a call to private that wasn't doing anything (#1882)
- README, Rakefile, docs and test cleanups (#1848, #1847, #1846, #1853, #1859, #1850, #1866, #1870, #1872, #1833, #1888)
- Puma.io has proper documentation now (https://puma.io/puma/)
- Added the Contributor Covenant CoC
1 已知问题
- Some users are still experiencing issues surrounding socket activation and Unix sockets (#1842)