Kotlin M14 发布,此版本主要改进如下:
标准库新增 Java API
操作符新增 operator
可以通过合成 field
变量访问 Backing fields
Backing fields
Compile-time constants
Annotate file classes
on the top level is now private to file
is checked in the compiler (not only IDE)
in interfaces is truly private now
equals in data classes compares arrays by calling their .equals()
method (which works by identity)
lateinit val
‘s are prohibited
many cases of inheritance and other degrees of freedom are prohibited for data classed (see this blog post)
and internal
members are prohibited in interfaces
, __
, ___
are forbidden as in identifiers, i.e. we can use _foo, but not _ alone (reserved for future use)
function is deprecated in favor of ===
ArraysKt — operations on arrays, extensions for arrays, array factory methods
CharsKt — extensions for Char and Char.Companion, most of them should be hidden
CollectionsKt — operations on iterables, collections and lists, list factory methods
ComparisonsKt — operations on comparators, comparator factory methods, and functions for performing comparisons
As usual, the IDE helps you migrate seamlessly from M13 via Code cleanup. Also there are several new handy features in M14:
As mentioned above, there in some cases we need private backing properties. You can easily introduce them via intention action:
Also you can move property initialization from constructor body or initializer block to property declaration:
One of the long-expected features is completion for overriding functions and properties:
Since M13 the IDE optimizes imports on the fly. Add unambiguous imports on the fly feature is also supported now. Give it a try:
IntelliJ IDEA 15 Public Preview 包含 Kotlin M14 绑定。
Kotlin 是一个基于 JVM 的新的编程语言,由 JetBrains 开发。
让 它比Java更简洁,通过支持variable type inference,higher-order functions (closures),extension functions,mixins and first-class delegation等实现。
文章转载自:开源中国社区 [http://www.oschina.net]