前几天发布了 PyCharm Edu 2 版本,这是第二款免费易用的 Python 教学工具。
今天发布了 PyCharm 5 Early Access Program (EAP) ,现已提供 下载 (官方页面)。
PyCharm 5 EAP build # 142.4957 包含大量的新特性,bug 修复和改进。
完全支持 Python 3.5
更好的 ORM 方法 Code Insight
Google 和 NumPy 风格的 Python Docstrings
Refined “Optimize Imports” Action
其他 Python 相关改进
Quick documentation improvements (including external docs in quick documentation pop-up for stdlib and Python keywords on Ctrl+Q)
Improved formatter PEP-8 compatibility
Numerous bug-fixes in different subsystems
Code Formatter: Adjusting Settings via a Quick-Fix
Find in Path: Preview Pane
OS X and Java Version
New UI for Testing
Export/import of test results and tests history
RegEx case transformation syntax in Find and replace
Editing Code in Diff Viewer
Branch Operations from VCS Log Viewer
Improved ReactJS support
Initial support for Polymer 1.0
Support for AngularJS 2.0
Initial support for TypeScript 1.6
Better support for Meteor
New inspections for Node.js (for checking dependencies)
Debugging Webpack projects
Dart support enhancements
Grouping Objects in Tool Window
New Data Sources and Drivers Dialog
文章转载自:开源中国社区 [http://www.oschina.net]