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Apache 顶级项目 Wink 将由于不活跃而终止
2017年4月29日 09:28 | 阅读 1223 次

近日,Apache 发布了一封终止 Apache Wink 项目相关事项的邮件,宣布Apache 顶级项目 Wink 将由于不活跃而终止,具体内容如下:

Announcing that the Apache Wink committers have voted to retire the project due to inactivity.

Wink was  a simple yet solid framework for building RESTful Web services. It is comprised

of a Server module and a Client module for developing and consuming RESTful Web services.

Retiring a project is not as simple as turning everything off, as existing users need to both

know that the project is retiring and retain access to the necessary information for their

own development efforts. You can read more about Wink retirement at: http://attic.apache.org/projectswink.html

The user mailing list remains open, while the rest of the project's resources will continue

to be available in a read-only state - website, wikis, svn, downloads and bug tracker with

no change in url. Providing process and solutions to make it clear when an Apache project

has reached its end of life is the role of the Apache Attic, and you can read more about that

at: http://attic.apache.org/

Thanks, jan i

on behalf of the Apache Attic and the now retired Apache Wink project

Sent from my iPad

(我)宣布 Apache Wink 的贡献者们进行了一次由于其不活跃而终止该项目的投票。

Wink 到目前为止是一个简单的构建 Restful 网络服务的实体框架。 它由一个服务模块和客户端模块构成以开发和构造 Restful 网络服务。

终止一个项目并不是把所有东西关掉这么简单,现存的用户需要知道该项目已经终止并且保留其因自身开发需要而访问某些必须信息的许可。获取更多有关 Wink 的终止事宜请移步 :  http://attic.apache.org/projectswink.html

用户邮件列表依然是打开的,而其他项目相关资源依旧可以在原路径访问但处于只供阅读的状态,包括网站,wiki,svn,下载链接以及漏洞追踪反馈区。当一个 Apache 项目迈入其生命终结时,提供详细过程以及相关处理方案是 Apache 社区的职责所在,您可以在这获得更多信息: http://attic.apache.org/



仅代表 Apache 社区在此终止 Apache Wink 项目


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